Man has 3 inch tweezers stuck in his urethra, for 4 years!

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From Huffpost; By David Moye

A man in Saudi Arabia recently went to the doctors office and x rays found 3 inch tweezers stuck in his urethra. To make this story even more insane, the tweezers had been there for 4 years!!! Yes I repeat, 4 years!!!!

The young man denied having any pain down there. This blows my mind! How does that get up there? You have to assume it was for sexual arousal. How is that something that turns someone on? How does he not go get help for 4 years?!?!?!?! How does he urinate for 4 years? How is there no infection or death? So many questions and so much pain to my man bits just thinking about it! OUCH!

Doctors suggested that the 22 year old get “evaluated by a psychiatrist” and I can’t agree more! Nice noggin buddy!

See this complete story here!

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